Action For Development Organization (AFD) is a non-government, independent, not affiliated to any religious, political, or individual ideology, established on February 23rd, 2004, officially registered with the Ministry of Interior (MoI) on May 3rd, 2006, and the latest amended on January 26th, 2022.
Our legal registrations include with MoI (No 553); Department of Taxation: B106-901900301; USAID-DUNS: 65969980; EU-PADOR: KH-2011-CHM-1407628180; NSSF: 1005659 ch; and Financial Report: LO-0000042.
AFD’s works cover some provinces including Kampong Thom, Preash Vihear, and Kampong Cham focus area on the management of natural resources, disaster risk reduction/humanitarian, social protection, women and youth leadership empowerment through strengthening the capacity of the communities and vulnerable poor, young women entrepreneurs, women with disability and youth on skills and knowledge they need and coordination with relevant stakeholders (government line departments, local authorities, community, and donors) to formalizing the community-based organizations (CBOs) such as community forest, community-based eco-tourism, agriculture cooperatives and groups.
Over the years, AFD reflected on its organizational capacity (strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement) as well as the real needs of the target communities, and has finally decided that to accomplish the 5-Year Strategic Plan (2020-2024) more effectively, the Vision, Mission, Goal, Core Values, Identity, and Slogan have to be revised:
AFD commits to consistently providing responsive support to the target communities by recruiting core members with extensive experiences in transformational community development, and diverse backgrounds, and seeking closer oversight of and strategic guidance from the Board of Directors.
Over the years, AFD reflected on its organizational capacity (strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvements) as well as the real needs of the target communities, and has finally decided that in order to accomplish the 5-Year Strategic Plan (2020-2024) more effectively, the Vision, Mission, Goal, Core Values, Identity, and Slogan have to be revised:
The local communities are empowered to use right-based approach for preserving biodiversity in equitable use of natural resources and good governance toward building climate resilience for better livelihoods.
AFD works in partnership with relevant stakeholder to enhance community capacity in natural resource management, equitable climate resilience and good governance.
To promote environmentally friendly and community livelihoods inclusive.
We are accountable with transparency, and fully involvement in learning from each other through equality.
AFD is a leading local NGO in environmental protection, gender, good governance and climate change by encouraging the communities’ ability, experiences, skills of communities and stakeholders for a better community livelihood.
Together for better community development and natural resource conservation.

Our Beneficiaries
AFD works with community forestry, community fishery, community protected area, community-based tourism, agricultural cooperatives, women producer groups and saving groups, especially those who are negatively affected by disasters and climate change. Our special focus places on venerable groups such as indigenous people, people with disabilities, women/youth and migration.
Priority Strategic Issues
From its thorough reflection process conducted with key stakeholders such as local authorities, target communities, NGO partners, donors and government officials at the provincial level, AFD has identified the following strategic issues to be tackled with:
- Degradation forest and biodiversity;
- Limited capacity and alternative livelihood to improve income generation;
- Local production unable to supply market demand (low productivities);
- Limited of capacity of community to adapt with disaster and climate change;
- Gender Inequality (decision making and economic empowerment); and
- Natural/social injustice and inequality of government service delivery.
Our Strategies
To respond to the strategic issues identified, AFD has developed its 5-Year Strategic Plan (2020-2024) with the following objectives that will contribute to the work of the government, development partners, private sector, academics and other stakeholders who are working within the same target areas:
- Improvement of natural resource and environmental, biodiversity and watershed management to increase climate resilience of the local communities.
- Participation to increase local economic, food security and income generation of the local community.
- Improve good governance and gender equality through women and youth participation in social development; and
- Capacity development and awareness raising.
Our Expertise
AFD has 18 years of experience working in natural resource and environment management, Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation Activities, Livelihoods improvement, strengthening Good Governance (ISAF and Social protection) and promoting gender equality and youth leadership for sustainable natural resource management and socio-economic rights (SER) and right base approach (RBA) and safe migration. The team has extensive knowledge and expertise of the challenges faced by the community-based organizations, development and management of natural resources, and building climate change resiliency for communities in Cambodia.
To hold itself accountable to the beneficiaries and donors, AFD has set up strong management structure with clear roles and responsibilities, transparent accounting systems (QuickBooks) and Monitoring Evaluation Accountability Learning (MEAL) Framework.
To contribute to the livelihoods of the communities in a more sustainable and comprehensive way, AFD actively engages with a wide range of experts including Civil Society Organizations, Non-Government Organizations, private sector, Academics, and national and sub-national government officials.
Management Structure
Board Director: The governing body consists of 5 members including 4 males 1 female. The governing body conducts regular quarterly meetings to monitor AFD’s performance and to provide strategic advice for betterment of the operations. Field visits become crucial mechanism for the governing body to validate the performance of AFD on the ground by talking to different individual staff, beneficiaries and stakeholders.

Management Team: Currently, AFD has 18 staff (12 females). The AFD Management Team is comprised of 5 members. They meet monthly to discuss progresses, agree on action plans and explore solutions tracking challenges faced. Results of the meetings usually are the detailed workplan with clear roles and responsibilities of every individual and budget allocations.

Membership with the Networks
AFD is a member of international, national and sub-national including CCC, NGOF, CHF, HANET, IUCN, WATERKEEPER ALIENCE, NCNK, ALiSEA, ISAF-C, PCCPCC, A4EP, NEAR, CamboDHRRA, NGO Resiliency Program, GWCN, PWG-FSN, PWG-CP.