The goal of this project is to reduce carbon emissions from agroforestry exploitation in 8 CFs and 1 CPA in Kampong Thom Province. The promotion of sustainable and alternative livelihoods is very important. The target area consists of 8 CFs and 1 CPA within 9 villages in the communes of Salavisei commune, Prasat Balangk District, Kampong Thom Province. Eight (8) CFs and 1 CPA include Kanseng Veal, BuslaPheak, BusYeay Ngeb, OrAngkunThom, OrSomOrPongRong, OrKhlaDek, Tropeang Kbalkhmouch, and Choam Mrech. There are direct and indirect beneficiaries for this program, 850 CF/CPA members of which are 50% of female and 8,768 people in target villages of which 40% are women. Many activities have been organized with GALS to develop community management. All these activities have been evaluated and monitored. The aim is to increase accountability of community people. Funded by OXFAM.