We’s currently are receiving funding from the following donors:
- USAID/Pact Cambodia (March 2021-September 2023)
- Break for the World-VBNK (2021-2024)
- World Bank/ World Vision ISAFII (2020-2024)
- UNDP-GEF/ICCA (2021-2023)
- WCS (2022-2023)
- CWS (2022-2025)
- OXFAM (2022-2024)
- MKLT (2023-2026)
- IUCN-CEPF (2023-2025)
In the past, we had received generous funding support from the following donors:
- USAID/ Fintract.inc (2012-2015)
- USAID/ Winrock International (2015-2016, 2020)
- Oxfam GB-EU/ECHO (2013-2015)
- CWS (2014)
- AJWS (2009-2010)
- DeD (2008-2009)
- CEPF (2010-2011)
- NPA (2020)
- The Asia Foundation (TAF) (2012)
- USAID/ AVRDC/WorldVeg’s (2016-2017)
- UNDP (2011-2020)
- FAO (2019-2020)
- IFAD/ASPIRE (2020)
- HEIFER (2018-2022)